Monday, December 30, 2019

Personal Narrative My Personal Story - 1932 Words

It was 3 am in the morning. I woke up to a chilling phone call. I grabbed my phone and it was from Veronica. I was so confused, so I answered it. â€Å"Hello... â€Å" I said as I heard screaming and crying coming out of her voice. â€Å"Mike, I need you to come to my house, something happen to Jessica.† I snatched my things and ran to my car. It was pouring rain. I put my keys in the ignition as fast as I possibly could, and hit the gas pedal with all the force in my body. Jessica is my 17 year old daughter, she is a senior in high school and captain of the cheer team. She is my life. Veronica is my ex wife of 22 years. We had a chaotic divorce last year. Veronica and I went to marriage counseling but we just were not feeling it anymore. It was a†¦show more content†¦The drunk driver also had died and I did not know how to feel. I could not wrap my brain around it. The police told me that she experienced little to no as her body flew out the car. Veronica was uncontrollably crying and I was just speechless. Both of our jaws were just dropped. They could literally touch the ground. The officer told Veronica that Jessica is in the hospital and she on life support. I wanted to go see my daughter for the last time, so V and I got in the ambulance car that was still outside the house and drove to the hospital. As I arrived to the hospital my mind was spinning. The lady at the front desk walked us to Jessica s room. I saw her and my stomach dropped to the floor. I lost it. I lost her. She was laying on the white, raggy scary looking hospital bed. The only girl in my life. My beautiful young, caring and perfect daughter was ripped away from me by an idiotic 45 year old drunk driver. Just awful. I felt like the world stopped spinning and time was just ticking away. I felt like there was nothing left in this world for me to do. I looked over at Veronica and she was wrapped in a ball sitting alone in the corner of the room. I walked over to her and we both just sat there and cried. There was nothing to do but sit and sob. It is now 11AM and Veronica and I were standing by Jessica s bed as they unplug her from her breathing tube and unhook her from the machines. I was holdingShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative : My Story1141 Words   |  5 Pagestrouble, or when my mother simply wanted to avoid me. This was mostly twelve consecutive hours a day. It was dreadful in there. I was never brought water or food. If I did, mum would make me beg for it. The closet had an eerie feeling to it, I never felt safe, and it was very cold. I heard a voice in that closet when I was there. She never got mad at me unless I was bad, I didn’t often do much, just the typical child play. I still hear her, seven years later, whispering, calling my name, telling meRead MorePersonal Narrative Story Of My School1000 Words   |  4 PagesMy supposed friends ascended from the depths of hell, managing to reside in my school out of all the possible choices in this treacherous city. I went to this seventh circle of hell every day and stared at the lifeless bars of the prison. Grand, pitch black, iron gates stared back at me. They enclosed the so-called campus. I walked past the gates into the open courtyard that had this one water fountain looming in the middle of all the depressing, lifeless landscape. I always walked to my most dreadedRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Love Story1034 Words   |  5 PagesMy love story is full of sweet, bitter, sour, and salty feeling, but, in my mind, memories of the day that my husband left me alone in Viet Nam still engraved in my mind. The fear of losing someone I have treasured created a storm in my chest. 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I don’t know why, but boy, was I in the spirit today. â€Å"Pretty good, but I miss last year. We’re so separated this year, I really miss the fun we had together. Toronto was the best!† my friend recalled. â€Å"Yeah, not only that, but every day brought new adventures and excitement. When we left the classroom for the last time, my heart skipped a beat. I was surprised that the year went that fast,† my other friend added. â€Å"I’m thankfulRead MorePersonal Narrative Story : My Nephew1173 Words   |  5 Pages My Nephew. M Robbins I remember waking up to a commotion in the living room around 3 am. My parents were talking excitedly, and overly loud for that early in the morning. I was confused as to why they were awake, considering it was a work night for my mother, and she usually took advantage of getting as much sleep as possible. 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You th en slowly unlocked the cage. For the first time I couldn’t save myself. You leaned over me, you stunk of stale cigarettes and booze. I knew I could survive the things you would do to me, I just didn’t know if I could ever get outRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Faith Story1152 Words   |  5 PagesMy â€Å"faith story† begin in the year 1999, when I became involved in automobile accident that nearly left me paralyzed. I was transport by ambulance to the emergency room. I had lost the mobility in both of my legs at the time. However, after praying to God. When I arrived at the hospital and regain conscience; I had feeling back in the left leg, but not the right. The doctor came in and begin to do tests, still no reaction out of the right leg. The doctor left the room and I begin to pray to God onceRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Immigrant Story1148 Words   |  5 PagesMy Immigrant Story Welcome. A single word on the carpet by the door greets me whenever I come home. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

How Does Humor Use Humor - 1186 Words

For as long as I have been in school, there has been a negative stigma around laughing and making jokes in the classroom. As a potential psychology major, I am quite fascinated with why our brains work the way they do, and how they grow, develop, and learn. That is why I was so intrigued when research came out claiming that appropriate humor can be used as a tool in the classroom by alleviating anxiety, stress, and helping relate the content by using funny, real world examples. When an instructor successfully uses humor, the learning environment that is created can be a catalyst for success. Humor can alleviate anxiety, especially in second language classrooms. â€Å"First, Young (1991) argues that when students are asked to deliver their thoughts or idea in a foreign language in which they have limited competence, their performance can be very threatening to their self-image† (Deb 2). If you have taken a foreign language class, in which speaking in front of the class is required, you may have experienced the anxiety that comes along. â€Å"Will I slur my words, pronounce something wrong, or choke under the pressure and not say anything at all?† Are all thoughts that come into many second-language learners’ minds. When humor is utilized correctly and gets a positive reaction from students, such as smiling and laughing, it creates a light, non judgmental learning environment. In such environment, mistakes can be taken for what they are, instead of the person speaking thinking thatShow MoreRelatedGender, Gender And Gender Stereotypes1582 Words   |  7 Pagesstereotypes. These types of jokes seem to take center stage at any comedy performance or routine, and the audience loves it. Gender in association with humor brings up a great deal of questions. Do males and females see humor differently? Are there any similarities in the way the sexes view humor? And is there any truth to the thought that humans enjoy crass humor more than other types of jokes? These questions have been popping up in the scientific world, and researchers are trying to answer them. Even thoughRead MoreHumor And How Does It Affect Brand Imaging, Interpersonal Communication, And Overall Perceptions Of A Image Essay1221 Words   |  5 PagesSection One: Humor is an interesting and diverse topic, especially when applied to the subject of persuasion. How it affects brand imaging, interpersonal communication, and overall perceptions of persuaders. Humor is unique in the sense that it is highly subjective. This subjectivity makes it a very tricky tactic to use in either advertisements or interpersonal persuasion. Humor has a very fluid definition that can vary by culture, gender, age, and religion. This essay will look into the historyRead MoreThe Superiority Theory Of Humor917 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many ways that people use humor. It has been used both in positive and negative ways. The negative, or more aggressive, view of humor is â€Å"evident in ancient writings† and â€Å"in the merciless teasing that children inflict on one another.†, However, in modern times, humor is now commonly seen as a positive aspect and that the laughter that arises is the â€Å"expression [an] incongruity.† Because of thes e two conflicting view of humor, there have been multiple theories proposed to explain it. ThereRead MoreAnalysis Of Cyrano De Bergerac By Edmond Rostand1179 Words   |  5 PagesEdmond Rostand s Cyrano de Bergerac is considered to be a Chivalric Romance but it also contains humor throughout. The play uses comedy throughout all of the acts for a variety of reasons. Cyrano who is the main character of the play is also the largest comic influence. With Cyrano, we see him develop through comedy and learn more about his character with it, and it is not only used by Cyrano but also many other characters. Comedy is used in a variety of ways throughout Cyrano de Bergerac such asRead MoreThe Use of Humor in Richard Iii by Shakespeare1327 Words   |  6 PagesThe Use of Humor in Richard III There is no doubt that Shakespeare was the author of great pieces of literature during an interesting time period. Given the circumstances, he was indeed mastering his craft during a very tumultuous juncture in British history. When one reads Richard III, they don’t necessarily have to know a great deal about the War of Roses to understand that there is some serious strife going on. However, if the reader takes some time to understand this fascinating string ofRead MoreHumor And Its Effects On American Society946 Words   |  4 Pages Humor can be regarded as an enjoyable experience of a mismatch between what people expect and what people experience (Stambor 1). Charlie Chaplin once said, â€Å"Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain.† Is laughter a remedy for one s emotional well-being when encountering devastations and social injustice? The epitome test of this would be living in concentration camps where millions of people were enslaved during the Second World War. How can they survive mental and physical agonyRead MoreHow Humor Heals647 Words   |  3 PagesHow humor heals Introduction grabber: Charlie Chaplin once said, â€Å"To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain and play with it.† credibility: Through lots of research and experience I have came up with this conclusion, and when I did a research on this, I discover it is true. why: Have you ever need to cheer up, combat fear, feel more comfortable, relax, reduces pain or reduce stress? Well I have the solution. central idea: Laughter can make a person feel better, it’s truly the best medicineRead MoreThe Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, by Sherman Alexie1475 Words   |  6 PagesHeaven, author Sherman Alexie uses humor to reflect the life on the Spokane Reservation. In â€Å"A Drug Called Tradition,† the story starts with a joke by having Thomas sit down inside a refrigerator in response to Junior’s comment as to why the refrigerator is empty. The Indians are having a party hosted by Thomas, who gets a lot of money from a corporation for leasing some of his land. Alexie’s three second selves, Victor, Junior, and Thomas, later go to the Benjamin Lake and use the drug that Victor bringsRead MoreNeat People Vs Sloppy People By Suzanne Britt And Batting Clean Up And Striking Out1361 Words   |  6 Pageshumorist and reporter, David Barry take a whole new look on the dreaded aspects of cleaning. Britt and Barry chose to utilize humor in order to convey to the audience that everyone has a different way of living. Britt expresses the different lifestyles of sloppy people to the notorious neat people. Oppositely, Barry compares gender roles in order to see the differences between how males and females view the definition of â€Å"clean†. Britt and Barry strengthen their humorous tone by employing exaggerationRead MoreAmusement in â€Å"The Ransom of Red Chief†.600 Words   |  3 PagesRansom of Red Chief†. defines humor as a comic and absurd quality causing amusement. O.Henry adds amusement in the short historical fiction story, â€Å"The Ransom of Red Chief†. O.Henry adds humor to his story through the use of literary devices. O.Henry uses allusion, word play, and irony to create levity in his story. All of these create levity but one that especially creates levity is allusion. First, Allusion is good for creating humor because by using prior knowledge it helps to

Friday, December 13, 2019

Vegetation Dynamics In Gravel Bed Rivers Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays

Background Gravel-bed rivers support a complex mosaic of both tellurian and aquatic home grounds of singular value for the whole river ecosystem. However, many fluvial system of the universe have been crucially affected by assorted human intercessions such as landuse alterations, torrent-control work and dike edifice, and crushed rock excavation ( Surian A ; Rinaldi, 2003 ) . These recent alterations led to the break of the really complex channel morphology typical of braided systems, which in bend strongly affects their ecological position and their ability to incorporate inundation flows. We will write a custom essay sample on Vegetation Dynamics In Gravel Bed Rivers Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Different human intercessions ( deposit excavation, channelisation, dikes, re-afforestation and downpour control works ) have been identified as the causes of channel accommodations in Italian rivers ( Surian and Rinaldi, 2003 ; Surian et al. , 2009 ) . For an overview on the causal factors such river development, see besides Liebault and Piegay ( 2002 ) . Human impacts on river systems normally cause rapid and widespread channel incision/narrowing or aggradation/widening as a effect of fluctuations in flows, deposit government, and boundary conditions ( Surian et al. , 2009 ) . Overall, few surveies ( e.g. Surian et al. , 2009 ) confirmed a complex recent stage of accommodation that took topographic point over the last 15-20 old ages. Channel broadening has become the dominant procedure in most of the survey reaches but channel narrowing is still ongoing in some ranges. Channel broadening has taken placed without important bed-level fluctuations in some ranges of the Brenta river, in Italy ( Surian A ; Cisotto, 2007 ) . Besides, it is still an unfastened inquiry if all the rivers underwent this recent stage of accommodation or, as proposed for rivers in France ( Piegay et al. , 2004 ) , recent channel alterations may be considered short-run fluctuations related to specific inundation events, instead than existent long-run accommodati ons. Overall, an effectual river Restoration is now recognized to be desperately needed for most of the affected Alpine rivers, and the actions must be based on reconstructing fluvial procedures and their natural kineticss. Such an attack ( which is besides enforced by the EU Water Framework Directive ) must be therefore based on a scientifically sound cognition of sediment conveyance and morphodynamics procedures undergoing on human-impacted crushed rock bed rivers ( Dufour A ; Piegay, 2009 ) . The overall purpose of the proposed undertaking is to research the recent morphodynamic tendencies of two Italian gravel-bed rivers characterized by different grades of human impacts, placing and measuring the synergistic effects of flora kineticss and morphological alterations evaluated utilizing fresh geoinformatics techniques. Aims The chief aims of the proposed survey is to measure the recent ( lt ; 20 old ages ) evolutionary tendency of the Brenta and Piave river in northeasterly portion of Italy in order to: To develop an apprehension of the morphodynamics of the both rivers with regard to selected parametric quantities such as channel width, lift, lacing index, island tenancy, and active channel country ; To measure the yesteryear and present morphological alterations of the two rivers based on natural and human induced alteration ; To measure the interlinked relationship between the active channel and flora kineticss ; To develop direction options for Restoration and preservation for the both rivers towards resilient river home ground every bit good as next bio-diversity ( riparian flora ) . Material and methods The research will be carried out in the intermediate crushed rock bed sections of the Piave and Brenta rivers ( North Eastern Italy, Fig. 1 ) . The two basins are comparable in footings of size, clime, geological scenes, and flora ; likewise, the two rivers in the survey reaches present a historically similar braided/wandering channel form with interspersed vegetated islands. However, the two rivers differ sing the degree of human impacts. To carry through the chief aims of the undertaking, three sets of variables of the both rivers will be studied like ( 1 ) chief drive variables ( 2 ) boundary conditions and ( 3 ) adjusting variables or channel signifier. The methodological analysiss range from distant feeling to field measurings, harmonizing to the spacial and temporal graduated tables under probe. Three spacial graduated tables will be considered, runing from big ( i.e. , 25-30 kilometer ) , intermediate ( i.e, 1-2 kilometer ) and little ( i.e. , 10-100 m ) . Related to these, two temporal graduated tables will be addressed, embracing medium-term channel development ( lt ; 20 years, related to channel-forming discharges ) and shorter-term alterations ( related to individual events ) . The techniques deployed comprise reading of oblique and perpendicular ( aerial ) exposure, analysis LiDAR information by GIS package, flora field studies, structural studies of river channels, topographic surveying by DGPS, photograp hic and sieve analysis of deposit grain size, and statistical analysis of hydrological and land usage clip series. Figure 1: Location of the survey sites. In order to transport out the proposed research, the undermentioned undertakings will be considered every bit good as carried out: To place morphological characteristics: Geomorphic procedure of the both rivers will be identified every bit good as quantified utilizing temporal high declaration orbiter image, aerial exposure and LiDAR imagination. Present and possible position of eroding and accumulation point in assorted locations of the both river will be analyzed every bit good. To place riverine flora: Vegetation is an of import constituent in the proposed survey. From the proposed datasets, flora coverage along the rivers will be identified utilizing appropriate flora algorithms. Damaged flora will place and quantify from a set of temporal satellite datasets. Topographical analysis: Digital lift theoretical account ( DEM ) , Digital terrain theoretical account ( DTM ) from LiDAR and tellurian informations will be used to mensurate incline and analyses the plumbing of the rivers in this undertaking. Furthermore, cross-section and longitudinal profile of the rivers will be analyzed by direct field with DGPS and hand-held instruments. Field study: Significant field study will be carried out throughout the project- Sedimentlogical study in both surface and sub-surface majority samples Geomorphological study for image informations proof along with observation of channel alterations Expected results and strategic impacts of the undertaking The chief expected end products of the research will be as follows: To analyse recent tendencies of channel narrowing and scratch, every bit good as channel constellation, of both rivers, associating different morphodynamic tendencies to different human impacts ; To associate alterations of flora countries along the both rivers to different morphodynamic development tendencies ; To measure tendencies of sediment conveyance and morphological development on both rivers ; To developed action programs for long-run Restoration and direction in the both rivers. Gravel-bed river systems are under force per unit area worldwide. Considerable dismay has been expressed about the environmental direct and indirect impacts of human activities, and great attempts are presently employed to develop a new array of sustainable direction schemes for gravel-bed ecosystems. Since anthropogenetic influences have impacted the morphodynamics of river systems, one of the major boundary conditions found in fluvial systems has been changed significantly, viz. the deposit budget ( Habersack A ; Schober, 2005 ) . Retention of deposits in the upper portion of the basin ( dikes and reservoirs ) and gravel extraction from the average portion of the rivers have increased the disagreement between sediment supply and conveyance capacity, with terrible jobs of bed debasement and ecological impacts. In order to accomplish a good river ecological position by the 2015, harmonizing to the European Water Framework Directive ( WFD ) , the deposit budget has to be restored in the long term. This creates a strong demand to better the apprehension and direction of deposits kineticss. Besides, the high spatio-temporal variableness of deposit and flora kineticss in gravel-bed rivers is non sufficiently considered in inundation hazard appraisal, besides because there are still considerable scientific uncertainnesss due to the deficiency of long-run incorporate field measurings of such fluvial procedures. For this ground, the proposed undertaking is focused on a subject where the demand for farther research is really relevant for the direction of gravel-bed rivers environments and the efficient and well-directed usage of the limited H2O resource. Essential mentions Dufour, S. , Piegay, H. , 2009. From the myth of a lost Eden to targeted river Restoration: bury natural mentions and concentrate on human benefits. River Research and Applications 25 ( 5 ) , 568-581. Liebault, F. , Piegay, H. , 2002. Causes of twentieth century channel contracting in mountain and Piedmont Rivers of Southeastern France. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 27, 425-444. Piegay, H. , Walling, D.E. , Landon, N. , He, Q. , Liebault, F. , Petiot, R. , 2004. Contemporary alterations in sediment output in an alpine mountain basin due to afforestation ( the upper Drome in France ) . Catena 55, 183-212. Surian N, Rinaldi M. 2003. Morphologic response to river technology and direction in alluvial channels in Italy. Geomorphology, 50, 307-326. Surian, N. , Cisotto A. , 2007. Channel accommodations, bedload conveyance and deposit beginnings in a gravel-bed river, Brenta River, Italy. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32, 1641:1656. Surian, N. , Ziliani, L. , Comiti, F. , Lenzi, M.A. , Mao, L. 2009b. Channel accommodations and change of deposit fluxes in gravel-bed rivers of Northeastern Italy: potencies and restrictions for channel recovery. River Research and Applications 25, 551- 567. How to cite Vegetation Dynamics In Gravel Bed Rivers Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Describe one of the first scenes in the visual text Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare and directed by Baz Luhrmann Essay Example For Students

Describe one of the first scenes in the visual text Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare and directed by Baz Luhrmann Essay Describe the first ONE or TWO scenes in the text. Explain how verbal and/or visual features were used in this scene or scenes to suggest what the text would be about. I will be writing about one of the first scenes in the visual text Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare and directed by Baz Luhrmann. One of the first scenes in Romeo and Juliet was the fight between the Montagues and Capulets at a gas station in Verona. A foolish Montague bites his thumb at a Capulet and a fight is about to break out when Benvolio another Montague tries to keep the peace and orders everyone to put up their guns or swords as they are called in the film. However, when Tybalt arrives and Benvolio tells him that he wants to make peace I do but keep the peaceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, Tybalt just sneers at him and replies, Peace? I hate the word as I hate hell all Montagues and thee. This then leads to the long awaited fight, which not only affects the Montagues and Capulets, but also causes a lot of destruction to the city of Verona. This scene then finally ends when the Prince arrests Benvolio and Tybalt à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ put your mistempered weapons to the group! and warns the two families that if ever they cause any more civil disruption, then they will pay with their lives. There were a number of visual techniques that were used during this scene to suggest that this visual text would be about the hatred between the Montagues and Capulets and how this hatred would eventually affect these two families. A visual technique used to show the hatred between the families during the scene was the use of close ups, including the close up of the Add Fuel to Fire sign, and the fearful faces of the Montagues, which led up to the arrival of Tybalt and created a lot of tension and apprehension. The use of close ups for this purpose made me think about how greatly Tybalt was feared because of his volatile, violent personality. Another visual technique used was how the Montagues and Capulets were made to contrast with each other through the use of costume and music. For example, the Montagues wore brightly coloured clothing which showed their laidback, careless personality, while the Capulets wore dark, sophisticated clothing to show that they were more serious, violent and more fearful. Loud, rock music had also been used to introduce the Montagues as careless and laidback while the Capulets were introduced through the use of soft, Latino guitar music to depict them as darker, more serious people. The use of music and costumes to contrast the two families helped me to understand how they were completely different to each other and that these differences would continue to cause a lot of conflict throughout this film. In conclusion, the visual techniques used during this scene made me think about how destructive hatred between people can be and that instead of being so stubborn and filled with pride, they should give up and make peace such as Benvolio. However, after watching the opening scene, one can come to the realisation that some are willing to hate and hurt enemies at the expense of innocent people.