Friday, February 28, 2020

Media Manipulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Media Manipulation - Essay Example Those people oppose to the media argue that the media has failed to play its designated role in society. Nonetheless, today, it is clear that the media as shifted from its role as a tool for information, and has become a major tool for manipulation in society. The advancement of technology has allowed for the widening of the media. Today, there is media forms include books, newspapers, television, radio, internet, and movies, among many others. Therefore, people today are exposed to a variety of information sources; hence, there is a flood of information from different media, directed to the public. Furthermore, since the media is in business, the different media forms are in a competition. This competition has contributed to the divergence of the media from its ideal role as a tool for information. Although there is an overflow of information in society, people are hungry for the truth. This is because, the media, which should ideally be a source of true information, is owned by ind ividuals, who are only interested in pursuing their interests through the media. For this reason, the media ceases to be a tool for information, and becomes a tool for manipulation. There is a high level of manipulation and bias in the media today. According to the Centre for Research on Globalization

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Computing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Computing - Essay Example DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is based on copper wire or other transmission technology framework. Digital Subscriber Line technology uses electronic waves for the communication and data transfer. However the fiber optics technology is based on the cylindrical glass tube with stressed characteristic being the intensity of light in the tube. The technology of fiber optics is based the light waves those travel through the glass tube that works as the transmission medium for the communication and transmission (Schneider., 1995; Ray, 2004; Kurose & Ross, 2009). This report is aimed to assess and review some of the main areas and aspects of the communication as well as transmission technologies of the DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) and Fiber Optics technology frameworks and platforms. This report is designed to explain the relative benefits and limitations of Fiber Optic infrastructure over DSL infrastructure. Therefore this research will pay attention on some of the main aspects and the relationship of these two technology frameworks, rather than only describing these transmission technology frameworks. Digital Subscriber Line and Fiber Optics technologies both are modern technologies designed for the provision of internet and various other network communication facilities. Both these technology frameworks are currently working competently at home, business, and diverse areas of organization. The prime aims and objectives of this report are to analyze these transmission technologies for the assessment of better technology. In this regard I will compare and evaluate features of each technology regarding its formation, functioning, performance, data communication, issues and technology deficiencies. Main aims and objectives of report are presented below: At the moment a lot of users or persons using the network and communication services have no