Thursday, September 3, 2020

In the majority of the population there are stigmata surrounding the Research Paper

In most of the populace there are blemish encompassing the idea of a motorcyclist or Biker - Research Paper Example This made numerous veterans to get to the urban focuses and taste all of delight in the urban areas including drinking and celebrating. A bicycle rally in Hollister finished in the arrangement of bicycle packs. This was the principal occurrence of bicycle pack which participated in a bleeding riot. This uproar prompted the annihilation of property and other significant in different cafés and structures, by inebriated motorcyclists. This gathering caused commotion without plan of action and this has been recreated from that point onward. This sub-culture is predominant in the utilization of cruiser bikes. As indicated by Guardians of the Children, the sub-culture flourishes in different philosophies like protection from the standard culture of cruisers (47). Actually, the greater part of the biker group enjoys acts of neglect so as to fulfill their every day needs. These gatherings have their activity in aberrance and turmoil given that they don't comply with any set principles and g uideline. The groups utilize their associations in proliferating their crimes. In such manner, their guiltiness is disguised, henceforth it gets hard to capture and totally dispense with this sub-culture. The pack is normally organized and has expansive systems, which upgrades its activities over enormous topographical areas. The crimes the packs enjoy incorporate medication dealing, brutality, arms dealing, kidnapping and robbery. There are a significant number of these packs in America, which ordinarily comprise of different quantities of people. The most well-known of these packs incorporate the Bandidos, Sons of quietness and the Hells holy messengers. These biker groups represent a danger to harmony and request among the residents. Goodman affirms that the prohibited gathering figures out how to work medication and weapon pirating because of the wide system it has over the globe (41). Truth be told, there is interlinking of their exercises with universal medication dealing asso ciations. The other bike club is the riding club which is less connected with the interests of the greatest posse clubs. The vintage gathering of bike clubs is worried about the shipping of higher social class individuals including ministries, rise blood sprinters and messenger clubs. It is hard to seek after the groups of hoodlums on the grounds that they are neighborly similar to any other individual and they have an expansive social and criminal system. Indeed, even the insight administrations can't yield much in quest for theories prohibited criminal bicycle posses. Besides, the opportunity they have improved the commission of numerous crimes under spread. Also, they are dreaded, thus numerous individuals do not have the guts of challenging them. As indicated by The New York Times, lawfully enrolled bike clubs like the British bike Federation have extraordinary impact in the common society (23). They likewise decrease the crimes of the posse bunches under spread. In this way, it had been difficult to change the cruiser business and dispose of the crimes engendered by the not well disapproved of motorcyclists. It has sealed difficult to demolish and cease the biker group sub-culture. For example, the alliance was made with a point of ensuring the government assistance regularly motorcyclists. The biker groups are a piece of the business, thus they have consistently been secured in any event, when they have been on an inappropriate side of the law. Such lawfully perceived bike associations have represented a more noteworthy danger to the harmony and concordance as to reduction of crimes. Pay off can't be precluded in such conditions

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Development of Western Music free essay sample

Music Western music might be alluded to as old style music and Its conventions and styles start from the earliest starting point of the Middle ages (tenth century) forward. Because of the Catholic Church being the predominant religion of the time, a huge segment of the music was strict/consecrated. Starting with Gregorian Chant, consecrated music gradually formed Into a polyphonic. Early Christians based their music off of previously existing Jewish serenades These serenades (like the vast majority of the strict music as of now) were monophonic implying that they had one tune with no help from a congruity r accompaniment.As postulations drones spread around Europe, various varieties were framed because of the serenades interacting with deferent societies. Pope Gregory in the long run made these serenades official church music, accordingly naming them Gregorian Chants. Mainstream music thrived until the period finished with the holy and common pieces of the principal genuine writer of Western music, Gallinule De Mach. A large portion of Gallinule De Muscats sytheses were engaged around romance love.He composed freely in five kinds: the number (a short, expressive ice of music), the adjusted (melodious sonnet), the alai (beat escalated expressive sonnet), the motet (a short bit of consecrated choral music), and the virile (a rhyming sonnet set up with a good soundtrack). Gallinule De Muscats most prominent accomplishment by a long shot was to bring a polyphonic mass Into the Catholic Church. Gallinule De Mach made sure that his works were all around protected as he understood that his accomplishments in music were taken well all through the world.Giovanni Periling father Palestinian was a sixteenth century illustrative of the Roman School of Musical Composition. Palestinians music is est. known as the zenith of the Renaissance polyphony. HIS masses were Influential In the advancement of the Baroque time frame, and his Miss sine chosen one obviously affected Johann Sebastian Bach who was playing out this mass while composing his well known Mass in B minor as is apparent by the comparable songs and refrains.After Giovanni Papergirl father Palestinians demise In 1594 of pleurisy, the Baroque time of music emitted with so much arrangers as: Antonio Vivaldi, Jean-Philippe Reamer, and George Frederic Handel. The Baroque time frame is the first occasion when that authors as an aggregate veered away from carefully strict works. Vivaldi worked in an all young ladies school showing music and forming in his extra time.He in the end composed his acclaimed violin concerto The Four Seasons and started to travel Europe with four of his understudies. Simultaneously, Reamer turned into the head author of the French Opera. Reamers music was very specialized and he endeavors to be known for his exacting scrupulousness in his works. George Frederic Handel started his profession by working with and beginning a few show organizations (Operas were genuinely new at that point and were saved for the high society), however he had a sensational difference in heart.Handel started creating and performing for the general population. Maybe the most notable author of the Baroque time frame, Johann Sebastian Bach drew from these arrangers by focusing on detail in his creations and permitting his music to be heard by all. Christopher , the main Bach researcher, said in his book, Bachs melodic style emerged from his expertise in 1 OFF North and South German, Italian and French music, and his commitment to the Lutheran liturgy.His access to artists, scores and instruments as a kid and a youngster and his rising ability for composing firmly woven music of amazing resonance, permitted IM to build up a varied, vivacious melodic style in which remote impacts were joined with an increased form of the previous German melodic language [4] Bachs work with contrapuntal development (movement of two melodic lines corresponding to each other) would turn out to be particularly persuasive in the Romantic. The Classical time of music ranges from 1780 to 1820.Classical music is a lot lighter and less unique than that of the Baroque t ime frame. It concentrates significantly more on a solitary song than contradiction and harmonies. A portion of the more prominent authors from his timespan are: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Joseph Haydn, just as Ludwig van stealing. Haydn is regularly alluded to as the Father of Symphony because of his dedication to the ensemble. All through his forming profession, his music step by step expanded in multifaceted nature, splitting ceaselessly from the rules of Classical music. Knolling Amadeus Mozart was an exceptionally differing composer.He wrote in pretty much every kind of music. Much like Haydn, Mozart started to wander from the basic traditional styles later in his existence with pieces like Symphony No. 29 out of A minor which includes a contrapuntal principle topic in the primary development. Ludwig van Beethoven was a transitional piece between the Classical time frame and the Romantic. Beethoven is one of the most acclaimed and achieved authors, being remembered for the Three Bis Each, Beethoven, Brahms) and having two of his pieces included on the Voyager Golden Record which was sent into space [2].Beethoven concentrated with both Mozart and Haydn and was emphatically impacted by them. Beethovens fundamental concentration in making was the piano. He composed 32 sonatas and a few all the more short pieces. stealing is known for his emotional and free pieces like: Piano Sonata No. 14 in C sharp minor and Piano Sonata No. 8 Pathetic. These works established the framework for the Romantic time frame. The Romantic time frame (1850 1910) was somewhat a rebel against the social and political standards welcomed on by the Age of Enlightenment.This period in music underlined free and moving pieces highlighted by such writers as: Frederic Chopin, Franz List, and Johannes Brahms. As an arranger, Franz List altered music with his innovation of the musical sonnet and the utilization of transposition. The musical sonnet is a style of orchestra music used to outline a specific subject, setting, or in any event, painting. Records utilization of transposition opened another entryway in the domain of music. With transposition, one can accept a piece to use as a base and construct a completely new piece around it (e. G. Beethovens Ode to Joy transformed into a Turkish march).Frederic Chopin is a Polish conceived arranger and musician. His pieces are known for their requesting detail and opportunity of Interpretation (Chopin frequently remembered next to no powerful markings for his pieces with the goal that every entertainer could decipher the piece themselves) [3]. Impacted by Johann Sebastian Bach, Chopin utilized antithesis in his pieces and even composed piece devoted to him. The initial topic of his Opus 25 No. 12 (which some contend that even Chopin couldn't play) whenever blocked, explains BACH (in German, B level is B, A will be A, C will be C, and B is H). Cleaving pieces were compelling to such an extent that during World Near II, the keep going thing heard on the Polish radio broadcast before it was seized by the himself was persuasive in the formation of twentieth century music. Hacking Polonaise No. 3 of every A significant is clearly the motivation for George Gershwins Rhapsody in Blue which includes wide transitional harmonies much like the Polonaise No. 3 of every A significant. In rundown, Western music started as extremely straightforward tones utilized only for strict purposes. It at that point was created by the usage of differing masses that acquainted polyphony.It then started with get significantly more specialized as it went to secularism with the Baroque time frame in the seventeenth and eighteenth hundreds of years. With the Classical timespan, the music came back to its oversimplified sources (basic tunes without any harmonies) for quite a while up until the Romantic time frame. There, it started to be shaped by the rebellions of people in general against the Age of Enlightenment into an openly streaming and sensational method of articulation. From that point onward, as instruments have gotten progressively accessible, music has been molded into a various measure of styles.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Peter I (The Great) Essay -- essays research papers fc

Subside I, was destined to Alexis Romanov and his second spouse Natalia Naryshkina. Dwindle experienced childhood in a fierce time of Russian history. His father’s early demise at the age of thirty-one remaining a harsh battle for power between the group of Alexis’s first wife’s family, the Miloslavskaias, and Peter’s family. A short time of rule by Peter’s relative Fedor (1676-1682) was trailed by his stepsister Sofia accepting control of Russia as official from 1682-1689. During this time Peter and his relative, Ivan V, held up as co-Czars until they grew up. Then Peter spent a considerable lot of his early stages in the nation bequest of Preobrazhenskoe, only outside of Moscow. It was here that Peter cultivated his adoration for fighting, and had his first contact with Westerners. Instead of being taught in the conventional way, Peter was permitted to play war games. From a collection of ordinary people, subjects, and outsiders Peter framed two regiments, the Preobrazhenskii and Semenovskii, which he equipped with genuine weaponry and bored into what might later turn into his majestic watchman. Additionally during this time, Peter created two different interests. The first was cruising, which he initially interacted with by finding an early English boat. The second was the affection for everything Western, which originated from his incessant visits to the close by remote quarter of Moscow. By 1689 Peter had developed to the transcending tallness of six feet seven inches, and was furnished with a brisk psyche and limitless desire. At...

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Software Engineering With Objects Coursework Assignment - 275 Words

Software Engineering With Objects Coursework Assignment (Coursework Sample) Content: centercenter Software Engineering with Objects 8820090900 Software Engineering with ObjectsQuestion 11.1 Classify the given requirements as functional requirements or non-functional requirementsFunctional requirements * Detailed student system tracking available (log in, log out, last accessed, IP address) * Detailed student tracking available for each course tool (How many discussion posts were read, how long did they spend on each quiz question) * Ability to set different assessment time frames for individual students (e.g., students with disabilities who need more time) * Ability to provide a variety of feedback types (e.g., text, audio, video) for assignments, discussions, other student activities * Ability to add audio/video components to quizzes or exams * Ability to add captions to assessments * Login encryption/validation with password and user IDs determine secure authentication * Configurable security settings (password characteristics) * Automated s ystem to help students who have forgotten passwords * Links to other training sites or resources (Online Resources) * Create, change and view user information/profile and user can belong to multiple user groups * Enroll users in courses (individual, groups/batch) and mass registration for multiple learners to one course Provides for links to external sources of information and course evaluations * Profiles contain basic personal information, training history, job information, education levels, skills, training preferences, supervisor's name, tutors name * Can disable a course without removing it from the LMS * Possible to conduct online tests and ability to set passing scores for tests * Real-time reporting available and ability to export report data * Automated reminder notices via email Ability to send emails to user's email address listed in their profile and ability to send emails to selected users The system administrator must be able to configure permissionsNon-functional requ irements * The LMS must support specific country regulations related to security and accessibility * The LMS must be easily scalable to handle increasing numbers of users and content to keep in step with the growth of the organization. * Methods of data exchanges and encryption supported * Built in wizards to guide administrators on difficult tasks * System is modular, allowing deployment of only required functionality (turning on or off features and modules) * Provides full synchronous and asynchronous Interaction. * Provides collaboration features common to both synchronous asynchronous environments, such as video + visual presentation (example: PowerPoint) * Help Desk options available for students such as email, chat etc. * Ability to convert training materials to other formatting and languages * Integration with virtual meeting/classroom tools such as WebEx * Ability for a new learner to request an account * Ability for users to select specific language * Ability to use mobil e devices to access course content and all course tools are available in the mobile client * Available tools in the mobile client have the same functionality as the web version. * The LMS is mobile-ready when using the web version through smart phones. * Concurrent user capabilities * The system protect confidential data and session activity both within the application and in transit Data and session activity are encrypted The system supports mass notifications for users during emergencies Learners must be able to access the LMS and its content in their native language and learner interface available in multiple languages1.2 Based on your analysis suggest further enhancement in AOU LMSLearning management system (LMS) at AOU has many functionalities integrated with it. All these functions are good to use and have worth. Following are some more features that could be added to the current module of LMS. * LMS can have an android app so that student and teachers can access sit form thei r mobile devices. * Live calls could be added to the help desk to make it more efficient * There could be more advanced database and search system so that students can search material by subject or topic * Project management sub-part could also be added to LMS to facilitate research and final year student regarding their projects

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Powers Of The State - 1477 Words

The State however, has a lookout for general good as ascertained by Locke and people thrust their full trust on the on the State. This discretionary veiled power does not come on papers or official documents; it is seen in the decisions taken by the State on behalf of the entire nation. Locke further says, â€Å"But since a rational creature cannot be supposed, when free, to put himself into subjection to another, for his own harm; prerogative can be nothing but the people s permitting their rulers to do several things, of their own free choice, where the law was silent, and sometimes too against the direct letter of the law, for the public good; and their acquiescing in it when so done: for as a good prince, who is mindful of the trust put into his hands, and careful of the good of his people, cannot have too much prerogative, that is, power to do good.† Now let us examine the very prospects where US might be using this ‘prerogative power’ notion in a negative way. The massive expenditure to execute the drug prohibition policies and to contain the ‘prisoners’ proves the urgency to get rid of drug related issues from the nation. Questioning the dark side of the white collar. The point is already made in the paper that all of US’s drive against Drug legalization is futile. Then why is America so adamant on making this drug issue a big deal? US has led its massive campaign against drug usage and trafficking with no major outcome. This urgency led by the US since the past decadeShow MoreRelatedThe Separation Of Powers Of The State And Its Powers912 Words   |  4 Pagesand other sources or principles that explains the way in which the state is established. In short, it is a framework that explains the structure of the state and its powers. Unlike most modern states, Britain does not have a codified constitution but an unwritten one that exists in an abstract sense. It delineates the powers of the different branches of the state, and the restrictions placed on the institutions and on state power. It is comprised of various acts of Parliament, court judgements andRead MorePower, Authority And Power And The Views Of The State1388 Words   |  6 Page sthe state that were very different. The essay will look to cover their theories as well as definitions, strengths and weaknesses on democracy, authority and power and the views of JS Mill and Plato, giving their thoughts, ideas and styles. The researcher will also apply these definitions of authority and democracy to both Mill’s and Plato’s theories of the state. Heywood tells us that authority is, in the broadest sense of the word, a form of power which can be thought of as ‘legitimate power’. HeRead MorePower Of The State Organs Essay1739 Words   |  7 PagesINTRODUCTION A conflict may arise in any legal system regarding the supremacy of state organs i.e. Legislature, Executive and Judiciary which bases itself upon the Doctrine of Separation of Powers. The constitution empowers the legislative bodies {Parliament / state legislative assemblies} in the country to make laws in their respective jurisdictions. However, this power is not absolute but is subject to judicial review. Power of judicial review makes Supreme Court guardian of not only fundamental rightsRead MorePolitical Power and the State977 Words   |  4 PagesPolitical Power and the State According to Spencer political power is the result of cooperation between individuals in a society. The cooperation between individuals leads to a political structure that organizes the efforts and gives direction to the group as a whole. The political structure derived from this cooperation has to have the power to restrain individual behaviors in order to keep the society together for the same common goals. The political structure gets this power from the idea thatRead MoreThe Power Of The United States1741 Words   |  7 Pagesfleeing; he debunked the rumors of being a free agent and demonstrated his pretend loyalty for the French people. He underlines the fact that monarchies cannot be trusted if they are given absolute power and when it is taken away they are nothing but smarmy, power grabbers. â€Å"The thirst for absolute power that consumes his soul will soon turn him into a ferocious murderer†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Similarly the author of Les Revolutions de Paris urges citizens to let the monarchy go, even to a point that he is suggestingRead MoreThe Power Of The United States Essay2391 Words   |  10 Pagesjust after the end of World War II. The Soviet Union along with the United States emerged as the two strongest global super powers and competed for power around the globe. The Middle East was a region that nations around the world wanted control over. Russia and the United States were powerful enough to influence this part of the world. However, they each wanted to influence this area in different ways. The United States was the nation of the â€Å"West†. It represented modernization, Capitalism and wealthRead MoreThe Power Of The United States2020 Words   |  9 Pagesanyone living in the United States: who is the most power person in the United States? Without a doubt, a majority of people will say the president is the most powerful person in the nation. In fact, a study was cond ucted on whom people believed the most powerful person in the world was. Surprisingly, twenty-one percent (21%) of likely U.S. voters believe the U.S. president doesn’t have enough power while a slightly larger number (28%) think the president has too much power. A plurality (47%) ratesRead MorePreserving Power Of The United States898 Words   |  4 Pages Preserving Power The Founders of the United States of America had always known war; the first settlers faced armed conflict with the Natives, and the French for years. The drafters of the constitution had just fought for and won their independence from the British. These founders knew that war would always be something that the nation would face so they addressed the governmental duties and powers involving war in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. Under the U.S. Constitution the warRead MoreThe Great Powers Of The United States1682 Words   |  7 Pagestwo distinct categories in which all nation-states belonged. The great powers, economically and militarily dominant, were the victors of WWII: U.S, Great Britain, Russia, France and China. The rest of the world fell into the category of small power, with little influence in shaping the international system. As Germany and Japan recovered from their devastating defeats in the Second World War, they fought their way back into the classificat ion of great powers. Although this North-South relationship wasRead MoreThe Power Market Of The United States1660 Words   |  7 Pagesmajority of the states such as Washington, Idaho, Utah, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida are still regulated. However there is no deregulation on retail choice which is explained in detail in the next section. On the other hand, in some of the states like California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Montana, Arkansas, and Virginia, restructuring has been suspended. 1.1.2 Power Market Power Market is the market where financial and physical trading of electricity takes place. Power sale happens

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How To Analyze Films Essay - 2232 Words

Did you know it is more to film broadcasting than just visible viewing it? The ability to analyze films implicates closely examination of cinematography. Cinematography refers to the process in film of lighting a shot and achieving quality in the visual images that are captured. The cinematographer in any film is also known as the director of photography and may be either an artist or a technician. It is this individual who is responsible for ensuring that the images appearing on screen are presented to reflect the mood or the emotional effect and the style seen by the film director, producer, and writer as essential to conveying its meaning. The director of photography works closely with the director and interprets the action of the†¦show more content†¦(Boggs Petrie p. 9) One aspect of eliminating impartiality is to view a film in its proper environment. Try selecting an environment that is attractive and comfortable; preferably a theater with modern stadium seating and the upmost quality projection and audio sound equipment. As comfort and sound plays an immense role in how well we appreciate an experience. While viewing films try to restrain your comments and thoughts. Take mental notes and discuss them at a later time with others who shared your cinematic journey. As restraining your comments and thoughts avoid passing bias and negative viewpoint onto others. The basic approach to analyzing films as a whole is to keep in mind that when we are watching a film we cannot freeze for analysis. We have to concentrate on the interactions of image, sound, and motion that are present. In addition we have to accumulate impressions of the film effectiveness and maintain some degree of objectivity and critical detachment. Viewing films more than once usually help our analysis becomes easier. Another asset is to view in selective screen segments that exemplify the purpose and the interrelationship. Regardless of which option: single-viewing, double-viewing, or breaking the film into segments, one can virtually use the sameShow MoreRelatedEng 225 Week 5 Film Critique Final Paper New831 Words   |  4 PagesENG 225 Week 5 Film Critique Final Paper NEW To Buy This material Click below link Focus of the Final Film Critique Throughout this course, you have been compiling a blog and writing essays that analyze various elements of film such as theme, cinematic techniques, and genre. It is now time to combine those elements into a comprehensive analysis of one movie. 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I never considered why the rhetor of film choose certain details or what might have influenced the rhetor in the first place. However, through this course I was exposedRead MoreWeek 5- Final Film Critique1421 Words   |  6 PagesWeek 5 – Final Film Critique Byron Phillips ENG 225 Introduction to Film Instructor Hayes 11 May 2015 FINAL FILM CRITIQUE There’s no doubt that Star Wars is one of the most impactful films of all time, having changed the movie-making game ever since it premiered in 1977. It quickly became a global phenomenon and has accumulated some of the most passionate fans in the universe. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope is a great example to use in order to illustrate the properties discussed throughoutRead MoreEssay about Jarhead: An Instrumental Film in American War Culture 1134 Words   |  5 Pagesconstruction of a marine. 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Causes Of The American Civil War Essay Example For Students

Causes Of The American Civil War Essay Word Count: 730The In 1860, arguably the worlds greatest nation was locked in Civil War. Thewar divided the country between the North (Union) and South (Confederate). The war lasted five years and by 1865 the Confederate forces were trulybeaten. Out of this horrendous war though, where some 600,000 men died grewa greater sense of nationalism than is today, unrivalled around the world. The American Civil War is interpreted differently by many historians butmost see the catalyst as slavery, the motivation as economic, the outcomewas a unified national identity. Slavery was a major issue that triggered the American Civil War. Slaverystarted out, as a few individual slaves coming from England that weregenerally white. This changed however, and soon the Southern slave tradersbegan stealing blacks to take back to the South. The slaves were forcedto work 16-hour days, slave women were only seen as breeders and there wereno laws against the rape of a female slave. In 1860 slaves accounted forone third of the Souths population and even still they had no rights (seeappendix one). The Unionist North many people believed it was immoral toown another human being. These people were called Abolitionists. The Southrelied strongly on the slave trade and when the North spoke of abolishingit, the South spoke of forming there own country, The Confederate states ofAmerica. The South began to see that the North was going to take actionagainst the Souths inhumane slave policy. In early 1860, South Carolinaformed under a new flag, Confederate States of America f lag, so that theycould continue to operate their slave trade. What followed was an ordinanceof succession which saw the other slave populated states also swear an oathto the Confederate States of America, also so that they could continuetheir slave trade. This situation was found to be unworkable and it dividedthe country in two. So in the words of Abraham Lincoln, A house divideagainst itself can not stand. I believe this country can not endurepermanently half-slave, half-free. Slavery formed two opposing societiesand could not have been abolished with out the Civil War. The North was very industrialised and had a stable economy in comparisonto slave-dependant South. During the mid-1800s immigration to the Northskyrocketed. Jones says, the immigration (many escaping the Irish potatofamine) were willing to work for almost anything and withstand inhumanefactory conditions. Although this exploitation was extremely cruel andmuch like the treatment of the slaves in the South, the Northern economyprofited immensely (Brinkley,1991:264). Come 1860, the Union had anoverwhelming advantage over the South. The North played host to 109,974industrial firms whereas the South had only 18, 026. The Northern Statesalso produced 96%of the locomotives in the entire country, and as forfirearms, more of them were made in Connecticut than in all the Southernfactories combined (Civil War, Encyclopedia Americana:1988). TheSoutherners believed cotton to be their biggest industry and economicboosted during the Civil War but they had no factories capable ofprocessing the cotton . The cotton was sent to Northern factories to beprocessed for a fraction of the price the Union sold it back to them for. This cycle alone made a huge idiosyncrasy in the economies. So with all theindustrial and many economical advantages over the South was it any wonderthat the North were victorious in the Civil War?The cost of the Civil was tremendous not only in money but in lives taken. .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34 , .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34 .postImageUrl , .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34 , .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34:hover , .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34:visited , .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34:active { border:0!important; } .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34:active , .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34 .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u558bf5d3c58874e1115ef88468c03b34:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Importance of Being Earnest EssayBy 1865, the South surrendered, slavery was abolished and President Lincolnwas assassinated the total cost of the War for all Americans was around 15billion dollars but priceless for the 600,000 lives lost. What came out ofthis war however suprised everyone, in the next centaury America was seenas the strongest nation in the world. The cause of the war was finallyresolved when slavery was abolished and because of this many inhumane slaveowners went bankrupt with out the slaves running the farms. What followed the American can only be described as the birth of a UnifiedNational Identity. In this period of 5 years in which many people die d manyof Americas major problem have been solved. Since the Civil war towns havebeen rebuilt, mew industries flourish, and new schools have been erected. Now in America both the North and South live prosperously and peacefullytogether. Schenck describes America at the close of the war as, Adeveloping industrial nation emerged from