Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How To Analyze Films Essay - 2232 Words

Did you know it is more to film broadcasting than just visible viewing it? The ability to analyze films implicates closely examination of cinematography. Cinematography refers to the process in film of lighting a shot and achieving quality in the visual images that are captured. The cinematographer in any film is also known as the director of photography and may be either an artist or a technician. It is this individual who is responsible for ensuring that the images appearing on screen are presented to reflect the mood or the emotional effect and the style seen by the film director, producer, and writer as essential to conveying its meaning. The director of photography works closely with the director and interprets the action of the†¦show more content†¦(Boggs Petrie p. 9) One aspect of eliminating impartiality is to view a film in its proper environment. Try selecting an environment that is attractive and comfortable; preferably a theater with modern stadium seating and the upmost quality projection and audio sound equipment. As comfort and sound plays an immense role in how well we appreciate an experience. While viewing films try to restrain your comments and thoughts. Take mental notes and discuss them at a later time with others who shared your cinematic journey. As restraining your comments and thoughts avoid passing bias and negative viewpoint onto others. The basic approach to analyzing films as a whole is to keep in mind that when we are watching a film we cannot freeze for analysis. We have to concentrate on the interactions of image, sound, and motion that are present. In addition we have to accumulate impressions of the film effectiveness and maintain some degree of objectivity and critical detachment. Viewing films more than once usually help our analysis becomes easier. Another asset is to view in selective screen segments that exemplify the purpose and the interrelationship. Regardless of which option: single-viewing, double-viewing, or breaking the film into segments, one can virtually use the sameShow MoreRelatedEng 225 Week 5 Film Critique Final Paper New831 Words   |  4 PagesENG 225 Week 5 Film Critique Final Paper NEW To Buy This material Click below link Focus of the Final Film Critique Throughout this course, you have been compiling a blog and writing essays that analyze various elements of film such as theme, cinematic techniques, and genre. It is now time to combine those elements into a comprehensive analysis of one movie. 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